Top 10 Crowd Favourites

As Voted by You

Discover the most popular dishes of the month! Our customers' preferences reflect the quality and taste of our food, and we take pride in providing them with the dishes they love. We value our customers' feedback and take their opinions into consideration to continually improve our menu offerings. Come and taste the dishes that everyone is talking about and see why they're the favourites of the month.

Here are our


as voted by you

At Senibong Bay Seafood, we take pride in serving only the freshest and most delicious lobsters. Our live lobsters are shipped directly from Sungai Rengit daily, ensuring that our customers always enjoy the highest quality and freshest seafood available. Our mission is to ensure 'Everyone Can Eat Lobster' at fair and affordable prices as many have the misconception that lobsters are very expensive. Come indulge in the taste of the sea, and experience gastronomical delights at Senibong Bay Seafood.